Also he knew that, beside scratching the own pocket, he was asking for money the friendship and to persons that he was visiting.
També sabia que, a més d’escurar-se les butxaques pròpies, demanava diners a les amistats i a persones que visitava.
Font: MaCoCu
The interior pockets will be fake.
Les butxaques interiors seran falses.
Font: Covost2
Good for all the pockets
Apta per a totes les butxaques
Font: MaCoCu
To stuff into their own pockets.
Per omplir-se les seves pròpies butxaques.
Font: Covost2
My pockets and possessions are examined.
Les meves butxaques i possessions són examinades.
Font: MaCoCu
Structure: it has two exterior pockets and two interior pockets.
Estructura: disposa de dues butxaques exteriors i dues butxaques interiors.
Font: MaCoCu
I look in people’s pockets, purses.
Miro dintre de les seves butxaques, de les bosses.
Font: TedTalks
They say that Post-its grow in his pockets.
Diuen que a les seves butxaques hi creixen post-its.
Font: MaCoCu
A woman standing on the sidewalk with her hands in her pockets.
Una dona dempeus a la vorera amb les mans a les butxaques.
Font: Covost2
Pockets with the system GP
Butxaques amb el sistema GP
Font: MaCoCu
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